After a day of
research, I found that I have suffered from the male pattern baldness, one type
of hair loss that caused by genetics and hormone. My grandfather and father
were both bald. I was really sure that I inherited the genes from my father’s
side. I tried almost everything from shampoo and vitamins to stop my hair loss
and grow it back but it did not work. My girlfriend asked me to get a hair
consultant but it cost almost $2000. I was just a college student with no
I even tried
reflexology at that time because one of my friend said that anything can be
cured with reflexology. I was so desperate at that time and I agreed to try. It
was really funny when I think about it. Foot massaging was related to male
pattern baldness? But it was really miracle that the reflexology works for me.
My hair loss had reduced after a week. I don’t how but it did work for me, ONLY
FOR A SHORT TIME. After a month, my hair started to fall out again. I was
searching for another natural treatment. So, I tried hair massaging. My
girlfriend did this for me every day. The purpose is to unblock the hair
follicles and increase blood circulation to the scalp. She massaged my
head by using a shampoo and conditioner formulated for thinning hair, and that
product was called Nioxin. I was still losing my hair and I started to think
what went wrong. I stopped using Nioxin and changed to natural made shampoo.
to be continued....Male Pattern Baldness- My Story #2